Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Final Peer Response- Marijuana legalization

            While reading through blogs, I came across a controversial topic on Matt Cavallaris’ blog. The topic was legalization of marijuana.  Matt explains to the reader that there in fact have been multiple states within the United States that has already legalized medical marijuana. He also points out that some people are often too distracted by the fact that the drug is what many teens use for recreational purposes to get high. However, many people are not aware of the benefits of marijuana in the medical world, as it is often used in chemotherapy and for chronic disorders.
            Matt posted two youtube videos into his blog. The first was of Barrack Obama justifying that marijuana is in fact no different than any other prescription that doctors give out. The other is a commercial that only presents the detrimental aspects of legalizing marijuana. It proposes that legalizing it would only constitute to a worse society with more addictions, more driving under the influence of the drug, more land being used for the plant’s growth, and other problems.
            Matt sided with Barrack Obama. I do understand how Matt and other supporters find the positive points of legalizing marijuana convincing, however I still am unsure of where I stand. The arguments presented here are not so convincing for me to sway my decision either way. I believe that if marijuana could be administered to a patient within a hospital without allowing the patient to leave with the drug would be acceptable. The primary concern of legalizing it, to me, is the easy access to it. People who do not need the drug for medical purposes may abuse it and become addicted which could turn to be detrimental.

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