Monday, November 1, 2010

"How-To" Speech Evaluation

           Public speaking is definitely my weak spot in academics. I have a very hard time remembering what I am trying to say when I make eye contact with my audience. I felt like that was very apparent in the tape of my  “how-to” speech. Although I practiced my speech and knew it very well, I tended to look down at my note card to stray away from the audience and for extra reassurance that I knew what came next. I feel that my true ability and hard work did not shine through in my speech as I had spent much time preparing. I needed to maintain my eye contact with my audience better and appear more confident. Although I feel more negative than positive, there are some successful things about my speech.
            My how-to speech was very thought out and well planned. I felt that the speech flowed well from step to step. The introduction had a hook to catch the audience and introduced the steps of pole-vaulting in advance.  The conclusion reiterated the steps and the connection between the audience and pole-vaulting that was also mentioned in the introduction. Also I was very pleased with my voice. It was very loud, clear, and had life in it to keep the audience engaged.
            If I were to grade myself on this speech I would give myself an AB. It was very thought out and practiced. It also has room for improvement. Eye contact and confidence must be improved for my next speech. However I believe it was a successful and informative speech.

Click here to view my speech            

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