Thursday, November 18, 2010

Peer Response

          According to the blog, Adam Says, a controversial topic in the United States has been abortion since the Roe vs. Wade case in 1973. Adam Says takes the pro-life stance to the argument at hand. The blog tells the reader that pro-life supporters want to maintain equal rights for the embryo while pro-choice supporters want to keep the woman’s rights in health as the main priority. The blog argues that when a sperm fertilizes an egg, new life is formed. This new life should have protection and rights; therefore abortion should not be in the question. The blog also argues that if a woman puts herself in the position to become pregnant, she is accepting the responsibility of caring for a potential embryo.
            I can see how these arguments are very influential to some, but however, I do not agree. I am pro-choice on the topic of abortion. In my point of view, I feel that men are more likely to be pro-life because they do not have the responsibility of caring a baby for nine months. There is somewhat of a double standard between men and women. Men may participate in intercourse without the risk of becoming pregnant. Men don’t have to worry about the baby until it is born and even then there is adoption. Some women just can’t handle carrying a baby for nine months physically or mentally. Carrying a baby can inhibit many important activities in a woman’s life.  Also, if the woman is unstable for a baby, then abortion may be in her and the community’s best interest. Although there is adoption, adoption can be a massive strain on the emotions of a woman for the rest of her life. I feel that women should have the right to decide what is best for her, for the baby, and for the situation.

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